
how self esteem and ethics go together

In today’s world, having high self-esteem is arguably akin to having a superpower. There are so many voices (often our own) looking for ways to diminish our sense of self. Because ethics is, in part, our relationship to self, others and the world in which we live, the connection between one’s sense of self and ethics becomes inextricably intertwined. 

The Ethic of Self-Esteem, presented by Glantz & Associates, will explore the relationship between ethics and self-esteem and strive to empower anyone interested in deepening their relationship with themselves.  

The course will offer an overview of Aristotle’s ethics as well as discuss ethical principles that people of consciousness hold.  It is through this lens that we will explore what behavioral ethics is about and how that relates to us, as introspective individuals.

What is self-esteem? 

In essence, self-esteem is the regard we have for ourselves; it is how we perceive and value ourselves.  It is a fluid trait that ebbs and flows with our life experiences, interactions, and beliefs. Because this trait is not set in stone, it is often vulnerable to attack if we do not protect it.

So many of us struggle with feeling “worthy.” We often forget that simply by existing, we all are enough.  The Ethic of Self-Esteem is designed to help us remember our value as human beings just as we are.  We will explore the traps of low self-esteem as well as techniques for promoting higher self-esteem. We will discuss why so many of us struggle with setting boundaries and how we can act as self-compassionate human beings.

We will look for ways to decrease the inner critics’ volume.  We will transform “noise” into sounds that empower, inspire, and encourage us to be our best selves.

The Ethic of Self-Esteem was originally designed to be a program for woman. Despite targeting a female audience, this program lends itself to anyone willing to look at themselves to bolster self-regard.

Glantz & Associates designed The Ethic of Self-Esteem to be a thought-provoking course that looks at the possessing high (or higher) self- esteem and why it is imperative to the common good.  It examines the connection we have as individuals to one another and why all of us matter. 

This program has been and continues to be extremely well received among its viewers.  It is gaining traction on all the platforms in which is being offered and we attribute that to fact that we all need a reminder to be kinder to ourselves.  

At the end of the day, we ARE enough!

DATE : FEBRUARY 14, 2023 | EST : 01:00 PM | PST : 10:00 AM | DURATION : 90 MINUTES

Registeration Link:  https://assentglobal.us/webinar/1967/The-Ethic-of-Self-Esteem-for-Women