
law vs frameworks strategies and frameworks help address the growing risks company’s now face

The main difference between laws and frameworks such as NIST, ISO 27001, and CorporateCompliance Programs is that laws are legally binding regulations established by governmentsand enforced by law enforcement agencies, while frameworks are set of guidelines and bestpractices that organizations can choose to adopt in order to improve their operations,information security, and regulatory compliance.

Laws dictate what organizations must do in order to comply with regulations, while frameworksprovide guidance on how organizations can achieve those objectives. For example, privacy lawslike the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union requireorganizations to protect the personal data of EU citizens, but the ISO 27001 frameworkprovides a comprehensive set of guidelines for implementing an information securitymanagement system (ISMS) that can help organizations comply with those regulations.

The importance of frameworks for companies is that they provide a structure for implementingbest practices and achieving specific objectives. By following the guidelines set forth in aframework, organizations can improve their operations, demonstrate their commitment togood governance, and reduce the risk of negative consequences such as security breaches orregulatory penalties.

Laws establish mandatory requirements, while frameworks provide a voluntary set ofguidelines and best practices. While compliance with laws is necessary to avoid legal penalties,adoption of frameworks can help organizations improve their operations and reduce risk.

Frameworks like NIST, ISO 27001 and Corporate Compliance Programs are different becauseeach framework is designed to meet specific objectives. NIST, for example, is a government-developed cybersecurity framework that provides organizations with a set of standards andbest practices for managing their cybersecurity risk. ISO 27001 is an internationally-recognizedinformation security management system standard that helps organizations establish, maintain,and improve their security management system. Corporate Compliance Programs are specificto the organization and may include policies, procedures, and protocols for compliance withapplicable laws and regulations. Frameworks are important for companies to incorporate andfollow because they provide a structured and comprehensive approach to managing risk. Thishelps organizations to identify and address potential risks quickly and effectively, reducing thechances of a cyber attack or data breach. Additionally, frameworks provide a baseline ofstandards to which organizations can adhere, helping to ensure that they are compliant withapplicable laws and regulations

It is imperative for companies to develop a strategy to address risks related to cybersecurity,data privacy, and corporate compliance for several reasons:

Legal Requirements: Organizations are often required by law to protect sensitiveinformation, such as personal data, financial information, and intellectual property,from theft, loss, or unauthorized access. Laws such as the General Data ProtectionRegulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) impose strictrequirements on organizations to protect personal data, and organizations that fail tocomply with these laws can face significant penalties.

Reputation: Data breaches and privacy violations can harm a company's reputation,causing damage to brand image, loss of customer trust, and decreased credibility in themarket. Companies that demonstrate a commitment to cybersecurity, data privacy, andcompliance are more likely to be trusted by their customers, partners, and investors.

Financial Consequences: A data breach can result in significant financial losses, includingthe cost of remediation, compensation for affected individuals, and penalties for non-compliance with laws and regulations. By addressing risks related to cybersecurity, dataprivacy, and compliance, organizations can reduce their financial exposure to theserisks.

Competition: Companies that implement robust risk management strategies, includingthose related to cybersecurity, data privacy, and compliance, are more likely to beahead of their competitors in terms of innovation, customer satisfaction, and marketgrowth. Companies that are seen as leaders in these areas are more likely to attractcustomers and talent.

Developing a strategy to address risks related to cybersecurity, data privacy, and corporatecompliance is essential for companies to meet legal requirements, protect their reputation,reduce financial exposure, and remain competitive in today's business environment.

Company’s should combine efforts from multiple departments and stakeholders in order toeffectively address the risks they face, including risks related to cybersecurity, data privacy,and compliance. The following groups of individuals are often involved in these efforts:

1. Chief Information Officer (CIO): The CIO is responsible for overseeing the organization'stechnology infrastructure and information security, and for ensuring that information isprotected from unauthorized access or theft.

2. Compliance Officer: The Compliance Officer is responsible for ensuring that theorganization complies with relevant laws and regulations, such as those related to dataprivacy and information security.

3. General Counsel: The General Counsel is responsible for providing legal advice to theorganization and ensuring that the company complies with all relevant laws andregulations.

4. Risk Officer: The Risk Officer is responsible for identifying, evaluating, and managingrisks facing the organization, including risks related to information security and dataprivacy.

The future holds continued challenges for companies with regard to compliance,cybersecurity, privacy, and risk management, as technology continues to evolve and thethreat landscape becomes increasingly complex.

Compliance: Companies can expect to face a growing number of regulations relatedto privacy, data protection, and information security, both domestically andinternationally. The regulatory landscape is becoming increasingly complex, andcompanies will need to be prepared to adapt their compliance strategies to keep upwith new requirements.

Cybersecurity: As technology continues to advance, the threat landscape willbecome increasingly sophisticated, with new types of cyberattacks emerging on aregular basis. Companies will need to stay informed about the latest threats and beproactive in implementing effective cybersecurity measures to protect theirinformation and systems.

Privacy: The trend towards privacy-focused regulations is likely to continue, andcompanies can expect to face increasing pressure from customers, regulators, andother stakeholders to protect personal information. Companies will need to betransparent about their data practices and implement robust privacy and dataprotection measures.

Risk Management: Companies will need to continue to evolve their riskmanagement strategies to keep up with new threats and changing regulations. Thiswill require a proactive, forward-looking approach that incorporates best practicesin areas such as threat intelligence, incident response, and data protection.

The future holds ongoing challenges for companies with regard to compliance,cybersecurity, privacy, and risk management, and companies will need to be proactive,flexible, and adaptable in order to effectively manage these risks. By staying informedabout new threats and trends, and by continuously improving their risk managementstrategies, companies can be better positioned to meet these challenges and to succeedin today's rapidly changing business environment.

Each of these individuals brings unique skills, knowledge, and experience to the table, and their combined efforts are often necessary to develop a comprehensive strategy to address the risksthat companies face. This may involve working together to implement appropriatetechnologies, policies, and processes to ensure the protection of sensitive information, and tominimize the risk of data breaches, privacy violations, and other security incidents.

Effective risk management requires collaboration across departments and stakeholders withinan organization. Combining the efforts of the CIO, Compliance Officer, General Counsel, andRisk Officer can help ensure that companies are well-positioned to address the complex risksthey face in today& rapidly changing business environment.

Like what you just read?  Then you won’t want to miss the Assent Global/Portum Group four-hour bootcamp on 

  • Data Privacy
  • Compliance
  • Cybersecurity
  • Enterprise Risk Management

When:  Friday, March 10  1:00-5:00 PM EST

Register right here: https://assentglobal.us/webinar/1929/The-Four-Pillars-of-Organizational- Resilience--Data-Privacy,-Compliance,--Cybersecurity,-and-Enterprise-Risk-Management