
Good communication skills are a core competency of a leader or manager in the workplace. This is especially true in the workplace where collaboration and cooperation are necessary to be successful. Having difficult workplace conversations do not have to be something we shy away from. Instead, it can become second nature as we learn how to listen, hold accountability conversations and deal with challenging behaviour of those we work with. Having the ability to communicate effectively when dealing with difficult issues is what is needed in the modern workplace and will set us apart from others as highly competent leaders and managers.

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • Participants will learn how to have conversations without being defensive
  • Developing the ability to listen to what is not being said
  • Participants will learn how to create a safe space for a conversation
  • Participants will learn the steps to an effective accountability conversation
  • Knowing how to stay balanced in the face of strong emotions
  • Learning how to acknowledge and reframe emotions
  • To learn from the difficult behaviors of others
  • Developing the ability to move from emotion to productive problem solving

Why should you attend?

Effective communication is essential if an organization is to be productive and successful. One of the most difficult conversations to have involves holding others accountable in the workplace. In this webinar, participants will learn how to have difficult workplace conversations when rules have been broken, deadlines have been missed or commitments have not been kept. To have an effective accountability conversation, those in the workplace must be able to create a safe space and deal with the strong emotions that are almost certain to arise. Those having such conversations must be able to go beneath the surface to discover what is being left unsaid. This webinar will provide the tools for leaders and others responsible for a productive work environment that can only be realized by conversations that tackle the difficult issues that must be confronted in every workplace.

Who Will Benefit

  • Managers
  • General Managers
  • Project Managers
  • Team Leaders
  • Supervisors
  • Labor Relations Managers
  • Human Resource Managers
  • Human Resource Generalists
  • Consultants
  • Trainers


On Demand

Bob Churilla is a partner in a conflict management and organizational development firm, Conflict Resolution Professionals Group (CRPG). In addition, Bob is a Visiting Professor at a private Universit Know More

Bob Churilla