Course "Building Change Leadership from the Ground Up" has been pre-approved by HRCI as eligible for 1 credits towards a participant's recertification upon full completion.

*The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program.


As the pace of change accelerates in an age of disruption, leaders are looking for ways to keep up and step up to the challenges of advancing technology, economic uncertainty, shifting workplaces and roles, and the prolonged stress of the pandemic. Effective change leaders are more effective in recovering from crisis and are better able to create the kind of positive disruption that drives innovation. Yet change capability remains an elusive quality and critical skill gap for leaders, teams, and employees who struggle to not only anticipate, but also shape their future in an increasingly complex world. According to Gartner, Inc. employees’ and leaders’ change fatigue has doubled since 2019, with negative reactions to change -- such as burnout, frustration, or apathy – plummeting at precisely the time when more change is precisely what organizations need in order to reset, respond, and recover from prolonged crisis and stress. 

HR professionals play a vital role in cultivating adaptive cultures and resilient capabilities that start at the top and cascade through sponsors, change agents and influencers at all levels This timely session provides proven and practical strategies for helping organizations proactively navigate change in turbulent times.  

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • The state of change management - what’s working, what’s not
  • The impact of change fatigue and workplace stress upon individual and organizational performance
  • The payoff of effective change leadership
  • How to align change capability with talent management goals
  • Characteristics of effective change leadership 
  • Engaging managers, front-line supervisors, and project teams
  • How to create and sustain buy-in across all levels
  • Best practices for leadership during times of crisis or disruption  
  • How to increase your value as a strategic change leader

Why should you attend?

HR professionals are increasingly asked to partner with executives in designing humane and flexible workplaces, creating culture change, attracting and engaging talent, enhancing organizational performance, and navigating rapidly shifting laws & regulations in age of disruption. Yet many executives underestimate the complexities of change, don’t take time to understand their role, and fail to consider change impacts on systems and people. The issue of "anticipating & reacting to nature and the speed of change" has been cited as a critical capability gap among leaders and teams and is a key factor in why change initiatives fail to take hold. 

HR professionals play a key role in developing adaptive, resilient leaders across all levels so that their organizations can not only survive, but thrive in an today’s turbulent business environment.

Join this timely and practical session to explore best practices for re-tooling your change management efforts and growing leaders’ change capabilities across all levels. 

Who Will Benefit

  • Human Resource, OD, L&D professionals
  • Leaders, managers, front-line supervisors / team leaders
  • Training and / or talent management professionals


On Demand

Holly Burkett, PhD, SPHR is Principal of Evaluation Works, a performance consultancy in Davis, CA. For over 20 years, she has helped diverse public and private sector organizations improve the impact Know More

Holly Burkett