Course "Hiring, Managing, and Separating from Employees" has been pre-approved by HRCI as eligible for 1.5 credits towards a participant's recertification upon full completion.

*The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program.


Getting a quality employee is the first step, getting them to perform is the next one. And if they don’t perform, management has a problem on their hands. 

Of course, if the employee doesn’t work out, then what do we do? Reassign them? Place them on a performance plan, or simply let them go? 

In this fast-moving presentation, Don will share insights into hiring in today’s crazy environment, as well as what he has seen is working from a performance management and engagement standpoint. 

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • Understanding the math of HR- where it all begins
  • How to hire in today’s environment
  • Management 2.0
  • Importance of clarity and performance agreements
  • Engagement strategies that work
  • Managing the remote worker
  • When it’s time to let them go
  • And much more…

Why should you attend?

While most companies have a healthy top-of-the-line post-pandemic, their growth is severely limited by the ability to hire and manage talent. Performance management approaches are rapidly changing to keep up with evolving tasks and responsibilities, new technologies, and most importantly the Death of Control. 

Who Will Benefit

Human Resource Manager, Director of Human Resources, Human Resources Partner, Human Resource Consultant, Managers


On Demand

Don Phin is a California attorney, strategist, and coach. He has done workshops for more than 6000 CEO’s about HR practices and emotional intelligence. Don was the founder and President of HR That W Know More

Don Phin