Course "Mastering the Leap to Management-A webinar for new managers" has been pre-approved by HRCI as eligible for 1 credits towards a participant's recertification upon full completion.

*The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program.


Going from being a doer to one who manages others doing can be a daunting challenge. This webinar gives new managers tools to help them succeed in their new role.

In this 60 minute webinar, Larry will provide you answers to some of the common problems new managers face like:

  • Understanding the psychological challenges of making the leap to a managerial/supervisory role
  • Avoiding five big mistakes every new manager makes
  • Managing friends...and other dangerous activities
  • Establishing your authority and understanding its limits and its applications
  • Learning to balance letting go with staying in control
  • Accepting that you can’t be everyone’s buddy

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • A short discussion on why embracing change is essential to organizational and personal survival in the fast-changing world  
  • Presentation of a research-supported model for understanding the psychological effects of change and how to make them work for you 
  • Exercise to put the lessons of the model to work in your own life
  • Strategic Pain Management® - a technique for managing the pain of the change process for yourself and others

Why should you attend?

If you are feeling unsure of your ability to manage others effectively, this webinar is for you. If you an experienced manager who would like to have a refresher course on the basics, this webinar is for you. And, if you’re not managing yet, but plan to make the leap in the future, this webinar is for you too.

Who Will Benefit

  • New managers and those who wish to have a review  
  • Supervisor and team leaders


On Demand

Larry Johnson is the co-author of two top-selling books: Absolute Honesty: Building A Corporate Culture That Values Straight Talk And Rewards Integrity and Generations Inc. – From Boomers To Linkster Know More

Larry Johnson