
The program will explain the business financial management and how an operating manager can make decisions to impact the financial health. The course will discuss financial statements with a focus on which aspects operating managers can affect. It will also discuss the different types of budgets that operating managers must often provide and how those are related. Finally it will focus in on project impacts on the financial health of an organization considering both return on investment and capitalization and depreciation. 

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • Financial statements – Incomes Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement
  • Budgeting – business, function and project
  • Project impacts – Return on investment, capitalization, depreciation
  • Who will benefit:  Operating managers will make better decisions
  • Business leaders will realize better financial performance from the operating managers

Why should you attend?

If you are a manager or expert in an operating function that makes decisions with financial impacts, you should attend this course.  It will help you understand how your decisions affect the business financial health and help you improve your budgeting and financial analysis skills.

Who Will Benefit

  • Operating managers will make better decisions
  • Business leaders will realize better financial performance from the operating managers


On Demand

Ray Sheen is an experienced business leader with multiple engineering degrees. He has lead product development, engineering and technology departments in a Fortune 100 company. In addition, he has Know More

Ray Sheen