Course "The Four Pillars of Organizational Resilience- Data Privacy, Compliance, Cybersecurity, and Enterprise Risk Management" has been pre-approved by HRCI as eligible for 4 credits towards a participant's recertification upon full completion.

*The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program.


The organizing concept of this 4-hour seminar is what we have dubbed “TheFour Pillars of Reasonableness.” By “reasonableness,” we mean a pragmaticapproach to cybersecurity and data privacy that acknowledges human frailty.Neither omniscience nor impeccable performance are among our human attributes.Reasonable rules, resulting in a reasonable approach to our legal and professionalobligations is what we can reasonably aspire to achieve.

Reasonableness is what the law usually requires. The reasonable-person testis the measure by which tort liability is gauged. The validity of a civil jury verdictoften hinges upon whether a reasonable jury could have come to the sameconclusion as the actual flesh-and-blood veneer, based upon the trial record. “The‘reasonable person’ standard is an objective test in personal injury cases that jurorsuse to determine if a defendant acted as reasonable (non-careless) people wouldhave in the same situation. The question in any negligence case is, ‘What would areasonable person have done in this same situation?’” The test applied by a judge ingranting or denying summary judgment is whether a reasonable jury could possiblyfind for the non-moving party.

Our thesis is quite simply that for a cybersecurity/data-privacyprofessional/compliance officer/risk manager to operate within the realm ofreasonableness --- to be deemed non-negligent by a reasonable juror, shouldthings ever come to that --- s/he should be prepared to show adherence to theprinciples of Privacy, Security, Compliance and Risk Management.

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • Data Privacy
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Cybersecurity and Assessment
  • Enterprise Risk Management

Why should you attend?

We advocate the Four Pillars & approach to comprehensive compliance and security:

  • Data Privacy
  • Cybersecurity
  • Compliance
  • Enterprise Risk Management

No organization & compliance and risk regime is complete without all four pillars.

Who Will Benefit

  • Human Resource Professionals
  • CEO
  • CFO
  • CIO
  • COO
  • Chief Compliance Officer
  • Compliance team
  • General Counsel
  • Legal Department
  • Risk managers


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Dr. Jim Castagnera

Dr. Jim holds an M.A. in Journalism from Kent State University, and a J.D. and Ph.D. (American Studies) from Case Western Reserve University. He worked 10 years as Know More

Dr. Jim Castagnera, Prof. Paul Flanagan, Rich Connor, Kenneth A. Sprang