Course "Crucial Compensation Conversations" has been pre-approved by HRCI as eligible for 1 credits towards a participant's recertification upon full completion.

*The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program.


There are some basic concepts that should be followed in any conversation with our employees but for the compensation conversation it is essential that we are as transparent and truthful as we can be.

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • When an employee’s pay is already too high for comparative purposes
  • When the employee is disappointed with their raise or lack of one
  • When the employee’s performance does not justify an increase in pay
  • The employee brings their own research, from the internet, on how much they should be paid
  • In addition, the webinar will provide specific examples and details of how to respond to these types of issues.

Why should you attend?

The compensation conversation, especially in a new environment of transparency has never been more important. Beyond the fact that employees take these conversations and the comparisons that ultimately result from them as person.  As a result, questions, concerns and conversations about compensation come with enormous emotional baggage.

This is particularly problematic since the compensation conversation is also directly connected to performance and performance comparisons. In fact, these conversations almost guarantee that your employees how some basic and critical questions in their minds, whether-or- not they ask them outload.

These questions include:

  • Will I be getting a raise? How much will it be?
  • Is there a promotion or transfer in my future? When?
  • How is my pay determined? How do I compare to others in similar jobs?
  • Am I being paid appropriately for my skills and efforts?

This webinar will examine these critical compensation conversations and help the participant to prepare and conduct them appropriately.

Who Will Benefit

  • Business Owners
  • Supervisors and Managers
  • Human Resource Professionals


On Demand

Dr. Chartier is the Principal of HRinfo4u, a human resource consulting firm, and a well-known educator and speaker. As a consultant, he works with organizations to improve the effectiveness and effic Know More

Greg Chartier