Course "Dobbs v The Workplace - The Abortion Conundrum" has been pre-approved by HRCI as eligible for 1.5 credits towards a participant's recertification upon full completion.

*The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program.


This webinar will explore the following: 

  • Possible impacts on U.S. abortion rights going forward and the resp0nse from various states.
  • Impact of Dobbs for workplace group health plans (self-insured, fully insured, etc.).
  • The legal and administrative issues to address with third-party administrators (TPAs), payroll, and other service providers.
  • Duty to renegotiate benefits with a Union under the CBA’s “Zipper” clause.
  • Impact if a Union or other employee or professional organization has its own or a supplemental health plan offering benefits. 
  • How might a workplace provide additional benefits such as travel assistance to those seeking abortions in other states where it remains legal?
  • Awareness of possible tax considerations of additional benefits.
  • Adjustments and review of policies, procedures, handbooks, and manuals.
  • Where do EAP’s and Employee Health Savings plans figure into all of this?
  • What are the risks if the workplace offers other benefits for abortion access?
  • Where do federal and state employment laws (ERISA, HIPAA, Title VII, FMLA, PDA, ADA, and their state counterparts where applicable, etc.) fit into the picture, if at all? 
  • What about an organization allowing for payroll charitable contribution deductions to a pro-choice organization and or matching/supplementing those deductions?
  • Culture, priorities and the media test: Which side are you on?
  • The impact on immigration for health and non-health providers.
  • Impact on traditionally marginalized communities in the workplace?
  • What may be coming next?

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • Various state responses.
  • Group health plans.
  • Self-insured plans.
  • Fully insured health plans.
  • EAP’s and Employee Health Savings Plans.
  • Third-Party legal and administrative challenges.
  • Collective Bargaining Agreements and duty to bargain.
  • Union or other employee or professional organization’s own or supplemental health plans. 
  • Travel to a state where abortion is legal.
  • Impact on and challenges with federal and state employment laws (ERISA, HIPAA, Title VII, FMLA, PDA, ADA, and their state counterparts. 

Leave laws

Privacy Laws 

Speech issues

Employee benefits

Policies on travel assistance and/or relocation

  • Payroll charitable contribution deductions
  • Organizational culture, priorities, and the media.
  • Immigration concerns for health/non-health providers.
  • Traditionally marginalized communities.
  • Additional benefits and possible tax considerations.
  • Internal policies and guidelines.
  • Risks for offering benefits for abortion access

Why should you attend?

Since the Dobbs decision, trigger laws in between 13-26 states, have banned or will shortly ban abortions. Even more are ultimately expected to follow suit in some way. While trigger laws are being challenged in court, there is no question that many states will successfully ban, or severely curtail, abortions within their borders. Moreover, a number of those states would impose criminal penalties on abortion providers, pregnant people, and/or individuals or entities that “aid and abet” abortions.

The Dobbs decision and states’ efforts to ban, curtail and/or criminalize abortions created multiple legal and non-legal issues affecting all in the American workplace and beyond. So, it’s critical to stay as up to date and as well informed as possible to meet these challenges

Who Will Benefit

  • All level Managers in all industries in both private and public sectors, 
  • Supervisors
  • Human Resources, Benefits and compensation administrators, Employee Relations,
  • Ombudsperson, Ombuds, Labor Relations, 
  • Attorney’s, and Union Officers/Representatives/Stewards,


On Demand

Bob Oberstein is uniquely qualified with over 50 years of Labor Relations experience on both sides of the table in both the private and public sectors and is the recipient of the Federal Mediation an Know More

Bob Oberstein