Course "Employee Engagement that Works" has been pre-approved by HRCI as eligible for 1 credits towards a participant's recertification upon full completion.

*The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program.


The lack of engagement dampens an employee’s "discretionary effort", with huge consequences including poor performance, turnover, customer dissatisfaction, brand damage, and lawsuits. All of which impact company culture and the bottom line.

Today’s remote and hybrid work arrangements, coupled with the accelerating rate of change, are constantly challenging the engagement effort. In this fast-moving program, Don will share strategies and tools for picking up your engagement game!

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • What we have learned about employee engagement
  • Attracting and hiring engaged employees
  • The importance of a post hire interview
  • Producing a wow onboarding experience
  • How to show you care
  • Branding an engaged culture
  • The math of engagement
  • Improving your engagement!

Why should you attend?

Employee engagement has been a major concern for many years, yet the statistic remains - roughly two-thirds of employees are disengaged! While the data is not complete yet, the evidence suggests the numbers will be even worse post-pandemic. Not only do a large number of people not want to come back to a physical work environment, but many also want to switch careers, get paid more, or work for themselves.

These are challenging times for employers and employees so communication and creativity are required!

Who Will Benefit

  • Any Leader or Manager
  • Human Resource Manager
  • Director of Human Resources
  • Human Resources Partner
  • Human Resource Consultant


On Demand

Don Phin is a California attorney, strategist, and coach. He has done workshops for more than 6000 CEO’s about HR practices and emotional intelligence. Don was the founder and President of HR That W Know More

Don Phin