
With more than eighty bills proposed in the current Congress relating to health and medicine, a lot of legal changes are coming down the tube for health care practitioners.   Some are directly responsive to COVID-19; others are related to technology.  This program will keep you up to date on changes occurring now in a variety of key areas of medicine:

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • Telemedicine and telehealth
  • Mental health treatment options
  • COVID prevention 
  • Long-term COVID care
  • Out-of-network patient billing, 
  • Expanded treatment options for nurses, including autonomous prescription provision, and
  • Other essential legal changes in healthcare.

Why should you attend?

This program will address changes that have occurred and are occurring right now in a variety of key areas of healthcare in the United States.  Telemedicine, long-COVID treatment, out-of-network patient billing, treatment options for nurses, along with other topics are all being visited and revisited for legal changes. 

Who Will Benefit

Any healthcare entity or entity that works with healthcare


On Demand

Deirdre Kamber Todd, Esq., has been practicing healthcare and employment law for more than twenty years. Following her distinguished master’s degree from the University of Limerick, in Limerick, Irel Know More

Deirdre Kamber Todd