
As the speed of change increases and the market for high-skill talent tightens, organizations today need to become more adaptive and resilient to not only survive, but thrive. HR professionals play a vital role in growing and influencing the adaptive capabilities of their workforce. This webinar will explore proven practices for equipping leaders, managers and employees with the right strategies and resources to anticipate and adapt to the nature and speed of change, act decisively without always having clear direction and certainty, and respond and recover from real or potential business disruptions.

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • The what and why of organizational resilience
  • Common definitions of resiliency, including comparison to term and concepts related to “grit” and “agility”
  • The bottom-line value and proven impact of organizational resilience
  • Key indicators of organizational resilience
  • Characteristics of resilient teams, managers, and employees
  • Mindsets and behaviors that foster resiliency
  • How HR professionals, leaders, and managers can build resilient capabilities
  • The role of culture in promoting resiliency
  • Best practices and implications for HR professional

Why should you attend?

CEO’s around the world have cited resiliency as either extremely important, or very important, to their organization’s ability to:

  • Maintain its stability and focus despite disruption
  • Adapt and bounce back from crisis or disruptive events
  • Transform structures, processes, or cultures for ensuring future success

There’s increasing evidence that actively cultivating resilience isn’t just a nice-to-have, but a business imperative for any organization. The impact of resilience has been shown to have large, measurable effects on a wide range of performance and health outcomes including increased productivity, work engagement, and job satisfaction along with reduced absenteeism, turnover, and stress symptoms. In addition, research has also demonstrated statistically significant relationships between an organization’s cash flow, profitability and return-on-investment and its assessed level of resilience.

Join this dynamic and timely session to:

  • Identify key indicators of a resilient organization
  • Assess your organizational and team resiliency levels
  • Discover best practices for growing a resilient workforce
  • Explore how resiliency best practices can be applied to current leadership or challenges

Organizations with high resiliency levels are more agile, innovative, engaging, and productive as well as more responsive to customers. Resilient leaders are not only more effective in responding and recovering from business disruptions, they are better able to create the kind of positive disruption that drives innovation and growth. Individuals and teams with high resiliency levels are more positive, satisfied with their jobs, and more open to organizational change. The success or failure to adapt to unpredictable change is commonly cited as a key factor separating high- and low-performing organizations.

Being resilient is not only about bouncing back from jolts, risks or changes, it is also about the capacity to achieve peak levels of performance and heightened states of change readiness amid perpetual churn. A key point is that resilience is not a static, fixed characteristic. Rather, resilient attitudes, behaviors, and social supports can be adopted, cultivated, and grown.

Who Will Benefit

  • HR Professionals
  • OD, HRD , Change Management Consultants (Internal, External)
  • Training and/or Talent Development Professionals
  • Senior Leaders or Directors
  • Chief Learning Officers
  • Directors
  • Managers
  • Project Managers
  • Team Leaders or Front-Line Supervisors


On Demand

Holly Burkett, PhD, SPHR is Principal of Evaluation Works, a performance consultancy in Davis, CA. For over 20 years, she has helped diverse public and private sector organizations improve the impact Know More

Holly Burkett