
Financial Professionals and challenged in the presentation of financial information to non-financial professionals. Financial professionals have the knowledge. Non-financial professionals need the information in forms they can understand. Financial professionals must keep it simple. Customers are not accountants.  It helps to relate financial information to personal information to enhance understanding.  Also helps to use visual aids such as Dashboards. The overall essence to this topic is to provide financial information to non-financial professionals in ways and manners they can understand to allow them to use the information in the management and control of resources.  The requirements of non-financial professions are unique. Hence the financial information provided them must also be unique to their needs.

You should attend to understand:

The Essence of Effective Communication

  • Learn to master soft communication skills
  • Learn essential presentation skills
  • Learn both what and how to keep financial information simple
  • Key element & helpful hints of financial communications

Financial Reporting vs. Financial Information

  • External Reporting Requirements
  • Internal Information
  • Designed specifically for Stakeholder
  • Different for each Stakeholder
  • Communicating Understanding
  • Converting knowledge to information
  • Structuring general ledger to provide required data

Meeting Your Customer Needs for Financial Information

  • Comparisons to Plan
  • Summaries
  • Dashboards
  • Key Business Indicators
  • Key Business Drivers
  • Trends

How to Effectively Communicate Financial Information

  • Select relevant highlights
  • Design Dashboards
  • Create Customer Focused Information
  • Prepare presentation protocol to Stakeholders
  • Learn presentation skills

Financial Professionals are in the customer service business

  • Adopt a customer service attitude
  • Focus on internal customer requirements
  •   Know how your company makes shoes
  •  Understand the uniqueness of each customer
  •   Consider on demand capabilities

Maximize use technology in a paperless environment

Why should you attend?

You should attend to understand:

  • The Essence of Effective Communication
  • Financial Reporting vs. Financial Information
  • Meeting Your Customer Needs for Financial Information
  • How to Effectively Communicate Financial Information
  • Financial Professionals are in the customer service business

Who Will Benefit

All Financial Stakeholders with the requirement to present financial information to non-financial stakeholders


On Demand

Carl Young is the owner of Carl Young Consulting, where he works as a turn-around consultant and business coach. Mr. Young is the former Chief Accountant and CFO of a $275M high growth technology com Know More

Carl Young