
The penalties can be harsh, but you do not have to accept these penalties. You can defend your facility. This webinar will give you tools to do so.

For deficiencies that result in immediate jeopardy, a facility is subject to the appointment of temporary management to oversee operations while deficiencies are corrected or termination from the Medicare and/or Medicaid programs with the safe and orderly transition of residents to another facility or community setting. However, a facility may continue to receive Medicare and/or Medicaid payments for up to six months after a deficiency finding, if the state finds that this alternative is more appropriate than program termination. In these instances, the facility must agree to repay Medicare funds, and the state must agree to repay federal Medicaid funds, if corrective action is not taken according to a Secretary-approved plan and timetable. For deficiencies that do not result in immediate jeopardy, a facility may be allowed up to six months to correct deficiencies. A facility that does not come into substantial compliance within three months is subject to denial of Medicare and/or Medicaid payment for all individuals admitted after the deficiency finding date. A facility that is not in substantial compliance within six months is subject to Medicare program termination and discontinuance of Medicaid federal financial participation.

This webinar will help you navigate the process of penalties and defending against them.

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • Administrative law
  •  Regulations
  •  Penalties and why
  •  How to handle being investigated
  •  What facilities do these penalties apply to
  • Facilities’ rights
  •  Good defenses to penalties
  • Appeal rights

Why should you attend?

  • Learn penalties available to CMS to incur on facilities 
  • Learn examples of situations that spur on penalties
  • Learn the different type of residential facilities that may get penalties
  • The Law of Penalties
  • Exceptions or good cause for penalties
  • Limitations to penalties
  • Good defenses
  • How to go through the process of getting investigated
  • A facility’s rights
  • Appeal rights

Who Will Benefit

Executives tha work at the below facilities. Compliance oficers


On Demand

For more than 23 years, Knicole has maintained a health care litigation practice, concentrating on Medicare and Medicaid litigation, health care regulatory compliance, administrative law and regulato Know More

Knicole Emanuel