Course "Form W-4 for 2023-Tips and Strategies for Distribution and Use by Employees" has been pre-approved by HRCI as eligible for 1 credits towards a participant's recertification upon full completion.

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prepared for questions and requests about the form.  Payroll managers and team members must be prepared to help employees with the current Form W-4 without overstepping the boundaries of payroll best practice.  The Form W-4 is a vehicle for determining the amount of payroll withholding.  The 2020 Form W-4 was quite different from prior forms, and the subsequent changes have not substantially changed the intent of the form. Therefore, what is the best way to assist employees in being compliant? For example, the new form does not use allowances, so the withholding must be calculated using other means.  Can your payroll team respond to the following questions?

Where should employees go to find out how to fill out the form?  Do all employees have to file a new form effective January 1?  Where can an employee go for reference? How can your payroll/HCM vendor be of assistance to you in this venture? 

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • Where is the current form located?
  • How can employees determine their liability?
  • Can employees still claim “Exempt” on the new Form?
  • If they can, how is it done?
  • What references do employees need to find out what to do?
  • Do you use self-service? If so, has the form been verified for accuracy?

Why should you attend?

Employees began using this form for any withholding changes effective on or after January 1, 2020. Even after three years, employers should expect questions as to how the employees are to complete the form.  Do you know the answers? Have you verified that all employees have up-to-date forms or are still using the pre-2020 forms?  If so, is the withholding accurate for the current tables?  

Who Will Benefit

  • Payroll teams
  • Onboarding Teams
  • HR Reps


On Demand

Merle Capello is an experienced CPP (Certified Payroll Professional) who can manage, train and elevate team members, enhancing their skills so that they can be leveraged to benefit clients. Merle is Know More

Merle Capello