Course "How To Resolve Issues With An Elephant In The Room " has been pre-approved by HRCI as eligible for 1 credits towards a participant's recertification upon full completion.

*The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program.


The “elephant in the room” describes a situation or an issue that's obvious or noticeable, but it's not being addressed or discussed. For example: Someone on the team is habitually late to strategy meetings. Missing deadlines. Being a naysayer, etc. 

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • Assume people are willing to change if they knew their behavior was an issue or they knew how to change it
  • Determine the outcome you desire
  • Approach the person as a concerned person, friend/colleague, not a foe or authoritarian
  • Focus only on what actually transpired, not how you interpreted it
  • Discuss and Agree on a plan of action

You will learn how to address such issues with tact, empathy and clarity. This webinar helps increase productivity and improve relationships by addressing problems, conflicts or misunderstandings proactively.

Why should you attend?

Research reveals that 56% of people bottle-up workplace, family and friends grievances for more than a year without addressing it. It is amazing the pain and frustration many people are willing to endure to avoid voicing concerns; whether it’s agonizing over the issue, working around the issue or talking about it with everyone except the person(s) involved. Ironically, when you allow the issue to continue, you are part of the problem. Keep that in mind. Everyone in a discussion has the responsibility to address or give ‘the elephant’ in the room an opportunity to change to create harmony and cohesiveness. 

Who Will Benefit

Anyone who has personal and professional interactions with others will benefit. 


On Demand

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, Ph.D. is a successful influencer in the public and private sectors, as a consultant, coach, and keynote speaker. She has 30 plus years of global experience in leadership devel Know More

Dorothy Neddermeyer