
Are you concerned about the lack of support among team members?  They “talk shop” with each other but do not engage in friendly social conversation—talk about vacation, the kids, a great Thai restaurant. They are not building co-worker connections. There is no camaraderie, slaps on the back, laughter. As a result, employees feel isolated, unsupported, and undervalued. They feel like workers, not co-workers.

Co-workers do not know how to speak to others in a way that makes them feel valued, understood, and heard.

The price they pay includes 

  • Prospects for an individuals career advancement are dim
  • Team vibrancy and, thus, motivation is in short supply
  • Co-workers come across as cold and uncaring
  • The individual, team, and organization lose out, because the personal dimension in co-worker conversations is absent.

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • Listening skills that make conversing easier
  • Tips for launching, and maintaining a conversation
  • The value of small talk
  • Secrets for making small talk
  • Strategy for ending a conversation in a way that acknowledges a co-worker
  • Techniques for handling conversation conundrums such as apologizing, unsolicited criticism, saying, “No”; dealing with a serial talker, interrupter
  • Ways to use “but” strategically
  • Ways make emails more personal
  • Smart phone practices

Why should you attend?

This webinar is for co-workers who

  • Can speak with co-works about work-related issues but then hit a brick wall
  • Have tried to hold easy “how are ya” conversations and stopped, because they either feel awkward or embarrassed 
  • Feel personally and professionally unfulfilled, because they are unconnected
  • Avoid after-work fun events because they don’t know how to make small talk with co-workers
  • Are not recognized for their contributions (and fail to recognize the contributions of others), because they isolate
  • Want to develop a reputation that will help achieve their career goals are held back, because they blend into the workspace background 

Who Will Benefit

  • Human Resource Professionals
  • Supervisors 
  • Team Leaders 
  • Team Members
  • Business Owners 
  • Project Managers 
  • Entrepreneurs 
  • Personal Development Specialists


On Demand

Janet Parnes equips professionals with skills that turn conversations into valuable connections with co-workers, colleagues, and clients. A graduate of The Protocol School of Washington®, she brings Know More

Janet Parnes