Course "Employer Beware – Is your Non-compete Enforceable?" has been pre-approved by HRCI as eligible for 1 credits towards a participant's recertification upon full completion.

*The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program.


Employers routinely require employees to enter into noncompete and nonsolicitation agreements upon commencing employment in order to protect confidential information, trade secrets and business relationships from being used for competitive advantage. Once an employee executes noncompetition and nonsolicitation covenants (often referred to as restrictive covenants), many employers assume such information and relationships will be legally protected after the employee separates from employment. This is not necessarily the case.

Employers should carefully consider an employee’s position, the interests the employer desires to protect, and the state in which the employer and employee reside in crafting restrictive covenants for a particular employee. The failure to do so may result in severe and damaging business consequences.

Learning Objectives

  • Overview of non-compete agreements across the states
  • Are certain professions exempt
  • What if my non-compete is too broad is it still enforceable
  • Protecting trade secrets
  • Non-solicitation and non-disclosure agreements
  • Checklist for drafting and enforcing non-compete agreements

Areas Covered In The Webinar

In addition to the above, we will discuss

  • Can I protect my company from having its employees ‘poached’?
  • Can I hire someone who has a non-compete agreement?
  • Items to consider in non-compete agreements
  • Are employees free to do what they want if they leave without a non-compete
  • What could be expected in non-compete litigation … and much more

Why should you attend?

According to a November 2016 White House report, approximately 18 percent or 30 million, American workers are currently covered by non-compete agreements. Yet, 15 percent of workers without a college degree are currently subject to non-compete agreements, and 14 percent of individuals earning less than $40,000 are subject to them. Yet, the laws vary from state to state. Is every non-compete enforceable or are there certain thresholds that must be met before you can enforce a non-compete agreement. This webinar will walk you through non-competes and what you can protect and you should try to protect.

Who Will Benefit

  • Business Owners
  • Executives
  • Chief Financial Officers
  • Human Resource Professionals


On Demand

Stuart Silverman has been practicing law for almost 30 years and is the principal of the Law Offices of Stuart M. Silverman, P.A., located in Boca Raton, Florida. The emphasis of his practice is in t Know More

Stuart Silverman