Course "Brave Enough To Be You- How to engage in braver conversations, build braver cultures, and unleash your organization's collective potential" has been pre-approved by HRCI as eligible for 1 credits towards a participant's recertification upon full completion.

*The use of this seal is not an endorsement by the HR Certification Institute of the quality of the program.


In our ever-changing work environment, you have to be more than agile if you want to succeed. You have to be brave. Brave enough to face change before you feel ready. Brave enough to try new things, to get messy, to fail. Brave enough to bring all of who you are to all of what you do.

In this empowering webinar, we'll explore the five big Bravery Barriers getting in your way, and how to bust through them. You’ll learn how to more meaningfully connect with your colleagues and friends. Moreover, you’ll discover how to create safer, braver work spaces where everyone is celebrated for bringing their fears, their ideas, and their authentic selves to the table. Team members don’t want to be engaged — they want to feel seen, heard, and like their contribution matters.

The bravest thing you can do is to be brave enough to be you. Especially in a world that all too often wants you to be something else. It’s time to stop trying to be perfect, trying to please, trying to prove... it's time to recognize your own brilliance. And when you do, performance improves, productivity increases, and your organization's collective, collaborative, potential is unleashed.

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • Learn how to engage in Brave Conversations, and why it matters 
  • Discover the elements that make up The BRAVE Zone, and how it contributes to building more effective cultures
  • Explore what it takes to create deeper, more meaningful connection with colleagues, and in turn more cohesive company cultures 
  • Gain powerful tools to empower you to bring all of who you are to all of what you do.

Why should you attend?

Workplace culture is everything. When you build workplaces where employees feel they belong, they matter, and feel safe enough to bring all of themselves to all of what they do - everybody wins.

You can no longer afford to lose any more of your people. And you can’t afford to have a culture that is not showing up at its bravest, or its best

Who Will Benefit

  • HR Professionals
  • Mid-level management
  • Directors 
  • Managers


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Founder of The Brave Initiative, Carol has been empowering international audiences for almost a decade. She holds a BFA in Theatre Performance, an MA in Communication, and two postgraduate certificat Know More

Carol Schulte