
Everyone deserves a workplace free from harassment and intimidation. All employees regardless of their gender, abilities, or any characteristics, are entitled to a work environment without hostility and offensiveness. When bullying occurs in a region or state with an antibullying law or in an organization with an anti-bullying policy, consequences can be severe.

Regardless of the laws and policies in place, maintaining an enjoyable, relaxed, and fun work environment will be appreciated by your employees. Abiding by the laws, routinely educating all employees on expected behaviors, and enforcing zero-tolerance for harassment will serve as the base for creating a corporate culture of safety, respect, and enjoyment. Discussion will begin with general principles and will include what the Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI) has to tell us with definitions, facts, and truths. We will also look at relevant case studies, resolutions tactics, Proxemics concepts, and responsibilities of employers, employees, and witnesses. With this resource-loaded, fast-paced, and relatable course, you will receive tools, tips, and techniques to use to successfully lead your team. By the end of the training, you will have actionable items and tools to implement the learning objectives and

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • General Principles
  • WBI - the Workplace Bullying Institute




  • Case Studies
  • Resolutions
  • Responsibilities - Employer, Employee, Witnesses
  • Proxemics

Why should you attend?

Attending this training will help you and your team grow professional skills and discover how to work towards continued success for yourself, your team, and your organization. This course will help you to advance your current success, boost your chances to meet your future goals and aspirations, and to inspire others to follow your lead. Further, this course will help your team better understand company-wide expectations of individuals and teams in order to achieve desired results. When workplaces incorporate these cultural principles, the work environment becomes a place to look forward to coming into with enthusiasm.

Who Will Benefit

  • Human Resource Professionals
  • Leadership Teams
  • Supervisors
  • Managers
  • Business Owners
  • CEOs
  • COOs
  • CHROs
  • Presidents
  • Vice Presidents
  • Employees


On Demand

Deborah Jenkins is a workforce and leadership trainer, keynote speaker, business management consultant, executive coach, and writer, who helps entrepreneurial organizations of any size or industry to Know More

Deborah Jenkins