
A key driver to achieve these extraordinary results is based on an attribute called trust which becomes your behavior and your reputation. Here is how to achieve that with confidence, initiative and commitment. This presentation outlines the eight key areas of focus and provides a link to the self-test tools and e-books to keep the momentum going. To be more successful, enjoy work and life more, get to your goals faster and with less stress, and help others to get there with you, then this session can be your tipping point.

This is how to lead by example and grow your vision that will improve the interpersonal skills that lead to operational skills and successfully building long-term, meaningful relationships. The big picture, strategic thinking you will learn here will:

  • help you master the solutions needed in order to exceed expectations
  • assist you to develop a growth strategy that will leave you better equipped to succeed
  • get a clear perspective of how to make the right decisions and lead your organization to the next level

Areas Covered In The Webinar

This webinar is delivered as modules to reflect the acronym - OUTCOMES.

The strategies are:

  • O-Optimistic: Utilize the power of attitude with effective communication
  • U-Urgency: Passion + Enthusiasm + Action = Results – how to act with urgency
  • T-Trust:  Is what it takes to build and sustain your reputation - and your competitive advantage
  • C-Conflict Resolution: Everyone needs a conflict-free workplace in order to be engaged and productive. This is winning over difficult people,  eliminating gossip, harassment, and stress
  • O-Organized Goals and Coaching: Goals define the destination. This is how to create your road map for the next 5 + years of your career, and beyond.
  • M-Maximizing Engagement: The 4 self-tests as the crucial steps/methods on how to implement the core training ideas
  • E-Excellence: This is being the best you can be with continuous improvement on the traits and self-tests  to measure your personality, reputation and performance
  • S-Success by ‘S.A.M.’ and Select Supervision Skills: How to inspire, engage, support, and motivate everyone!

Why should you attend?

What matters most to a rewarding career is a great end result to your actions, called Outcomes. The key to success for anyone is to actually implement the proven action steps that generate the results you need along with a system for keeping on top of it – measuring your momentum. The second important step to success is that you must feel good about what you do and who you are doing it for. In other words, it is engagement with the company, your product, and people.

Results are what matters. What does it take to stay on track, be fully engaged, motivated and inspired to continue to be the best you can be? What are the best-kept secrets that will fast-track your career? How can you make that noticeable difference stand out and be seen in order to accelerate your success at your office?

Who Will Benefit

This webinar is directed at the newly promoted manager or supervisor, as well as the person who wants to fast-track their career. This is a great check-up on leadership, empowerment, and engagement skills for those who have recently assumed a challenging new leadership function or see the direction they want their careers to go.


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Bruce Lee has been educating and inspiring audiences with practical and proven information they can immediately implement into the personal and professional lives and for improved business growth or Know More

Bruce Lee