
The basics of good management are the same for first-line supervisors and CEOs. The successful approaches have a track record of success in the public, private, and nonprofit/NGO sectors. The first step is to understand the unique challenges new managers face, especially if you have been promoted from within the team and are now expected to lead your former peers.

The first task is to build a strategic plan with the team to reach the goals the organization expects you to achieve. This joint venture has the advantage of creating an Action Plan for the team to follow, assures buy-in because team members were involved in creating it, and begins the process of bonding as a team focused on a single direction.

One of the fundamental jobs of any manager is to develop your team members’ skills so they can advance. This is accomplished primarily through good delegation where you and the team member work together to create a plan which accomplishes individual tasks and assures the individual is honing skills and using talents.

Delegation done right is motivational. Understanding each individual team member as an individual assures you will find simple incentives, aligned with the team member's internal motivators. One size does not fit all.

The third part of this approach is coaching – making sure at every step as tasks are completed or not, you are there to provide specific praise for what works and instructive feedback for what still needs work. Your goal is proactive engagement.

Finally, part of the planning is creating an individual performance plan with each person, which lays out clearly the areas where continuous improvement will be the goal. So-called performance review is an ongoing activity so poor performance is quickly changed and there are no surprises at the end of the year. This leads to healthy management by you, engagement on the part of the team member, and better results for the organization.

During the pandemic, these skills have become more important than ever. Helping your team members stay engaged helps assure success for you and each team member.

Areas Covered In The Webinar

  • Understand our challenges and strengths as new managers
  • Develop a plan to reach your goals and build your team
  • Use delegation to develop people’s capabilities to perform
  • Use motivation to develop people’s desires to perform
  • Coach individuals effectively to develop new capabilities, maintain good levels of performance, and engage proactively
  • Provide meaningful feedback and performance evaluation for continuous improvement

Why should you attend?

Many managers begin their tenure with no previous managerial experience or training. One day you’re a highly competent person and the next day you’re in charge of at least one other person and are at a loss. To make things worse, you’re often told to continue all your previous work while you “manage” your team. Unfortunately, this “tradition” is alive and well and the poor results have been documented for decades. You can choose to break the pattern. You can learn the basic skills of great management and use them to build a strong, high-performing team. Whatever your official title or the size of your team, some basic facts apply because we are all dealing with human nature. You can hone your leadership skills and apply practical solutions to get the robust results your management requires. These are basic survival – and “thrival” – skills in today’s global marketplace and “do-more-with-less” culture. During the pandemic and its aftermath, you must add some additional skills to keep your team fully engaged. As a result of this webinar, you will be better able to:

  • Get results by bringing out the best in people
  • Apply management approaches with proven effectiveness
  • Avoid classic mistakes team leaders can make
  • Focus on engagement and inclusion in decision-making

Topic Background

New managers often suffer through their first years in charge of a team, even a team of one other person. They do their best and employ the approaches they have seen their previous managers use. Unfortunately, this scattershot approach often leads to frustration. Many fail, move out of the management role or become cynical. New managers must learn new skills to succeed.

Who Will Benefit

  • Newer managers at every level
  • Supervisors of newer managers
  • New Project Managers
  • Departmental Managers


On Demand

Rebecca Staton-Reinstein, Ph.D., and President of Advantage Leadership, Inc. works with leaders and their organizations to Increase your bottom-line results through strategic leadership, engaged empl Know More

Rebecca Staton-Reinstein