
With discrimination claims through the proverbial roof and quiet quitting an ongoing problem at work,  the concept of “diversity, equity and inclusion,” or DEI, is essential for (1) combatting litigation, (2) promoting a positive, engaged work environment, and (3) recruit top talent. Too often, however, the concept of DEI never reaches the point of being a plan of action.  It either dies out after inclusion in the handbook and ads or becomes a last-ditch attempt when litigation is threatened.  Neither will work, neither are supportable in the long-run, and neither will accomplish your goals.

A well-done, well-executed DEI strategic plan will serve a broad variety of goals.  It will assist you in bringing in quality employees, take best advantage of their strengths, engage your talent, improve your PR to recruit and promote your workplace, and massively assist you in case litigation should be threatened.    The courts know when a workplace is trying to fit in a last-minute diversity initiative.  Having a Diversity and Equity Plan will make all of those goals an easy and effective reality.  

Areas Covered In The Webinar

Translating “DEI” into a plan:

1. What is a DEI Plan?

2. Drafting a Plan 101

  • Timing
  • Opportunities
  • Recruitment
  • Writing
  • Enmeshing workplace documents
  • Training
  • Implementation
  • Current employees
  • Litigation concerns

3. Common issues for employers in plans, including:

  • Small employers
  • Unionized/associated workplaces
  • Family businesses
  • Rural workplaces

4. Pitfalls in DEI Plans and how to avoid them, including:

  • Disorganization
  • Under- and over-committing
  • Lateness and procrastination
  • Reactions to litigation

Why should you attend?

Most employers engage “diversity initiatives” as either some forgotten language in a handbook and ad, and the odd training, if required by law.  Others engage random diversity “initiatives” when some threat of potential litigation rears its ugly head.  Neither works.  This program will offer a reasonable, repeatable, scalable plan with ongoing action items to establish and maintain a real DEI plan for the long-term.

Who Will Benefit

Everyone with HR and/or HR-related duties


On Demand

Deirdre Kamber Todd, Esq., has been practicing healthcare and employment law for more than twenty years. Following her distinguished master’s degree from the University of Limerick, in Limerick, Irel Know More

Deirdre Kamber Todd