
Human Resource Departments have traditionally been concerned with the processing of transactions and administrative functions - often with little or no objective data to provide them feedback on:

The effectiveness of their HR processes

Or the contribution that these processes are making to the organization’s business strategy

However, many senior corporate executives are no longer satisfied with this scenario - they want HR to prove its value and effectiveness through objective data.

Human Resources metrics allow HR professionals to:

Be seen as business partners who are customer-focused, strategic and change-oriented

Make greater contributions to their business’ strategic and operational plans

Speak the 'language of business'

Gauge whether they are satisfying the needs of their internal customers

Make continuous, meaningful improvements to HR processes

Show that they are not afraid of measuring their contribution

Avoid being outsourced

 This interactive HR metrics training will provide an overview of frequently used HR Metrics and describe a methodology for implementing them in your HR function.

Areas Covered In The Webinar

Why Use HR Metrics?

The Benefits and Limitations of Measurement

The Key Question is How to Best Measure an HR Process and Whether the Result will be Worth the Cost of Measuring

What are Your Customers’ Most Important Expectations?

What HR Processes Impact/Have an Effect on These Expectations?

How Can the Performance or Results of These HR Processes be Measured?

Five Categories of HR Metrics

Four-Step Process for Implementing HR Metrics

Recruiting, Interviewing & Selection Metrics

Cost: Per-Hire Formula

Cost: Per-Interview Formula

Time-to-Fill Formula

Offers Resulting in a Hire Formula

Quality of Hire Formula

Other Frequently Utilized Recruiting Process Measures

Human Reactions to the Recruiting Process

Compensation & Benefits Metrics

Four Key Objectives of a Compensation System

Employee Compensation Cost Formula

Compensation & Benefits Costs as a Percentage of Operating Costs Formula

Profit Factor per Employee Formula

Revenue Factor per Employee Formula

Other Frequently Utilized Compensation Metrics

Other Frequently Utilized Benefit Metrics

Why should you attend?

HR professionals leading many of the best-managed HR departments across the U.S. rely heavily on HR Metrics to guide and improve their departments' performance. They recognize that metrics offer significant benefits to both their departments and organizations.

These HR professionals recognize that:

Metrics is the 'language of businesses'. Senior leaders are seeking objectivity. They don't speak in generalities and don't make key decisions based on opinions. Metrics communicate by painting an unbiased, objective, and believable picture

They are in the service business and their H.R. function can be seen as only an overhead expense until others see value in the function. They appreciate the fact that the results that they don't objectively report often don’t count

They need metrics to be able to compare themselves to standards and best practices in other organizations. That metrics provide early warning signals and identify performance gaps. And that it is difficult to control & improve upon any HR process that is not measured.

Metrics provide a means of increasing visibility, clarifying performance expectations, and setting goals. Just measuring an HR process conveys its importance and tends to improve the performance of the process.

Since the leaders of the other functions within their organizations -manufacturing, sales, accounting, customer service, etc. - measure and report their contributions and performance, they as HR professionals should as well.

 At the end of this HR management training, participants will be able to:

use HR Metrics to 'paint a picture' and speak the 'language of business'

gauge whether they are satisfying the needs of their internal customers

make continuous, meaningful improvements to HR processes

make greater contributions to their business’ strategic and operational plans

develop their personalized HR scorecard

discuss ways of strategically implementing their HR metrics dashboard

see and select from many potential HR Metrics

show that they are not afraid of measuring their contribution


On Demand

Pete Tosh is Founder of The Focus Group, a management consulting and training firm that assists organizations in sustaining profitable growth through four core disciplines: • Implementing Strategic Know More

Pete Tosh