
No one enjoys delivering bad news. Yet at times, HR professionals are required to give bad news to employees at times.

No one enjoys delivering bad news. Yet at times, HR professionals are required to give bad news to employees at times. These conversations are often uncomfortable for both the employee and the HR professional. In this webinar we will look at how to effectively have these uncomfortable conversations with employees.

In this webinar, participants will learn what an uncomfortable conversation is. It will also look at what is involved in an uncomfortable conversation. This may include having an accountability conversation, confronting inappropriate employee behavior, and giving performance feedback. Some conversations seem impossible and yet the HR professional can be effective in being firm but still listening and giving voice to the employee. Sometimes bad news must be delivered.

During the webinar, attendees will learn how to deliver uncomfortable messages involving employee termination or layoff, giving a poor performance review and discussing issues of hygiene or dress. Those attending will learn the skills necessary to have these uncomfortable conversations.

Areas Covered In The Webinar

What is an uncomfortable conversation

Having an uncomfortable conversation

The art of giving feedback

When a conversation seems impossible

Types of uncomfortable conversations

Delivering bad news

Strategies for discussing employee termination or layoff

Strategies for discussing a poor performance review

Strategies for discussing issues of employee dress or hygiene

Why should you attend?

Handling an uncomfortable conversation does not have to be something we fear. Instead, it involves using proven methods to deal effectively with sensitive subjects. Participants will learn practical ways to handle difficult topics like subpar job performance, discipline, hygiene and even termination.

As an attendee you will learn how to be firm in delivering these types of difficult messages. Those attending will learn effective ways to give feedback, have accountability conversations and confronting inappropriate behavior. During the presentation, ways to treat employees with dignity and respect will be discussed. This will include giving them voice in the conversation and listening to what they have to say. This webinar will provide skills in these areas.

Who Will Benefit

Human Resource Managers

Human Resource Generalists


Assistant Managers

Team Leaders

Department Managers

Team Members


On Demand

Bob Churilla is a partner in a conflict management and organizational development firm, Conflict Resolution Professionals Group (CRPG). In addition, Bob is a Visiting Professor at a private Universit Know More

Bob Churilla