
Learn the best tactics from military leaders such as, Generals Ulysses S. Grant, Collin Powell,
Norman Schwarzkopf, to Alaxander the Great and Attila the Hun, and what is unique about the
Navy Seals.
Register for a very unique presentation on what some of the worlds most famous military
leaders have realized and then installed in their soldiers that created maximum success both on
and off the battlefield. We start with the life lesson called: “You Must Care”, by four-star General
Melvin Zais.
This is all about front line leadership. How to engage, support, inspire, and drive your recruits to
perform with extra-ordinary effort in call to duty military engagements. From these examples you
can adapt and transfer them to how you lead and empower your people.
This is all about effective communication and how it impacts everyone. Inspired communication,
great results, lackluster communication, poor results. It is vital for you to retain, inspire and
empower your employees, which comes by setting the example of what a great attitude and
behavior looks like, starting with knowing the vision, the why, and bringing out each person’s
passion for results. This is saying “You are important to me, our team, our clients and
customers.” Learn how to take charge of your influence and power, and why it is attitude that

Learning Objectives

from battlefield to board room, the traits of the best leaders
the art of negotiating before a meeting
how your reputation counts
defining your mandate and getting buy in from everyone
sharing the vison and the expected end result

Why should you attend?

Anyone who has to overcome difficult people, poor attitudes, self-imposed stress, unjust
complaints, frequent resignations, minimal disciplining, and justifying promotions.


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Combo Pack

Bruce Lee has been educating and inspiring audiences with practical and proven information they can immediately implement into the personal and professional lives and for improved business growth or Know More

Bruce Lee